Top 5 Must Visit Places in Kuala Lumpur

Postet av: wsmadmin
Kategori: Attraksjoner Bli inspirert Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s bustling capital city, is a megacity constantly on the move. It’s a true melting pot of cultures and lifestyles, reflected in its diverse cuisines, stunning architectural influences, and ancient religious sites. With so many things to do, it’s no surprise that Kuala Lumpur has grown rapidly over the decades, earning its spot as one of the top 10 most visited cities in the world. From vibrant events and year-round festivities to modern skyscrapers housing massive shopping malls, serene parks, and bustling local markets, Kuala Lumpur offers a rich cultural experience at every turn.

Stay at Travelodge Chinatown Kuala Lumpur and visit the must visit places in Kuala Lumpur with ease. Our guide covers world-famous landmarks, culturally enriching street markets, and historical temples that make Kuala Lumpur a must-visit destination.Discover the best things to see and do in Kuala Lumpur with Travelodge Hotels Asia!


Filled with stalls selling an eye-watering myriad of trinkets, homeware, fabrics, collectables and souvenirs, Sentralmarkedet is one of Kuala Lumpur’s most well-known and popular tourist attractions. A former wet market, Central Market has since been transformed into a bustling center, hosting cultural events during special occasions and providing tourists and locals with a treasured heritage gem.

Malaysias kulturarv kommer til live gjennom intrikate batikktrykk, vakre lokale tekstiler og kjærlig håndlagde produkter – alt tilgjengelig på Central Market. Ta med deg et stykke 'Malaysia, Truly Asia' hjem og støtt disse lokale håndverkerne!

Innbitte gatematelskere vil ikke forlate sultne her – Central Market er også et tilfluktssted for lokal mat, som selger elskede lokale retter som muah chee (en stivelsesholdig snack avhengighetsskapende overfylt med søte, sprø peanøtter) og ais kachang – en forfriskende barbert isdessert toppet med en skje iskrem.

Overlook the kitsch and enjoy being a bona fide tourist here, especially during festivities where you can find special products commemorating the celebrations. Looking for souvenirs to bring back your loved ones? Central Market is your place to go!

Sri Mahamariamman-tempelet

Standing in all its glory is the Sri Mahamariamman-tempelet, the oldest and wealthiest Hindu temple situated in Kuala Lumpur. With its vibrant and extravagant design, this temple is a treat for the eyes, a truly spiritual and architectural homage.

På toppen av Sri Mahamariamman-tempelet ligger det ikoniske 22,9 meter lange gopuram, også kjent som et monumentalt tårn. Omhyggelig skulpturert av dyktige håndverkere, pryder totalt 228 hinduistiske guder dette fem-etasjes tårnet, noe som gjør den arkitektoniske strukturen til dette tempelet desto mer imponerende. Templet er et sted for ro og trøst, og har en beroligende og fredelig atmosfære. For de som er nysgjerrige på hinduistiske ritualer eller har en stor interesse for arkitektur, bør Sri Mahamariamman-tempelet ikke gå glipp av.

Petaling Street

Du kan ikke gå glipp av Petaling Street med sin storslåtte orientalske buegang som står høyt ved inngangen. Anta at moderne kjøpesentre begynner å se og føles det samme for deg. I så fall vil du uten tvil sette pris på den autentiske atmosfæren i Petaling Street – den er høylytt, den er travel, den er uunnskyldende livlig. Dette shoppingparadiset er det perfekte stedet for kuppjegere. Finpusse forhandlingsevnene dine og kom klar til å prute!

Petaling Street tilbyr også en overflod av matalternativer, som selger ulike lokale snacks og gateselgermat. Gaten er vanligvis åpen til de små nattetimer, noe som gjør den til det perfekte stedet å avslutte dagen hvis du er ute etter et solid lokalt måltid eller en sen shoppingopplevelse. Some must-tries are the mouthwatering beef noodles from Shin Kee Beef Noodles as well as the silky-soft muah chee from Madam Tang Muah Chee for a delicious dessert or snack option.

Petronas tvillingtårn

At a mind-blowing height of 451.9m, the Petronas tvillingtårn stands in all its glory as the tallest twin towers in the world as a now-famous landmark of Kuala Lumpur. With its distinctive postmodern style – seamlessly integrated with elements of Islamic art – the Petronas Towers is deserving of its superstructure claim and as a true icon of KL. Going on a tower tour may sound very touristy, but there’s no better way to explore the Petronas Towers. This highly engaging tour is guaranteed to leave you amazed and in awe of its complex yet magnificent infrastructure. The informative tour will reveal this magnificent building’s development process from start to finish. The tour’s pièce de résistance is the opportunity to admire the vast, panoramic view of the city from the 86th floor of the tower. The breathtaking view of the city, especially at night, is truly something that one should not miss out on. Especially for those who appreciate architectural design or scenic city views, we urge you not to dismiss the Petronas Towers as just another skyscraper. If you have extra time, head over to Petronas Art Gallery to admire various local and international art pieces and explore the neighborhood around the tower.

Jalan Alor

Home to many veterans’ cooks dishing up the most palatable and delectable street food, Jalan Alor truly is the definition of a heavenly food galore. As the sky darkens, Jalan Alor gradually begins to come to life, with vibrant fluorescent stall signs lighting up the street and drawing in a steady stream of hungry foodies.

Den energirike atmosfæren i denne gaten er bare en av mange grunner til at det å spise på Jalan Alor er en så hyggelig og unik opplevelse å smake på noe av Malaysias elskede gatemat. Ikke gå glipp av å unne deg en hopende kokeplate med røye kway teow, risnudler stekt i en kokende varm wok. Denne ydmyke nudelretten har en distinkt røyksmak og er svært vanedannende.

For a rich, decadent treat, have a go at the Fried Durian sold at Jalan Alor. This warm, tasty treat is impossibly addictive, with its buttery, flaky crust and scrumptious durian filling that oozes out with each bite. Whether it’s a dinner of supper, you’re up for a hearty, satisfactory one! The best time to visit Jalan Alor is after the sun sets because the majority of the stalls are only open then.

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